Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Magnificent.... (yah.. gimana lah yang bener tulisannya..)

How The Lord had made time, days, destiny... becoming this way..
bener-bener semua gak bisa kita tentuin jalannya, endingnya.. atau memang those things would never end ?
apa yang gue punya saat ini, gak bisa dibilang eternal.. nyata atau tidak..

capek.. pretending that i am fine, i am strong..
sementara asa di hadapan gue udah bolong..
berharap sama si "Bulan Gepeng" ????
hehehhe.. nope.. just be my friend... that's all i need right now...

Story #14

It's happier than before, the story has always been beautiful the stars in the clear sky, the night walk by the beach, the simple conver...